Forage on: Mushroom season is upon us

Long Beach Lodge Resort Chef Ian Riddick shares his tale of a successful mushroom foraging outing.

I was out on a foraging adventure last week with guests of the lodge and we went to check out two spots that had been producing beautiful Pacific Golden Chanterelles (Cantharellus formosus).

Chanterelles form symbiotic associations with plants, such as conifers or hardwood trees, depending on species. An extremely popular edible mushrooms they flourish when the forest has plenty of moist, mossy undergrowth. A walk in the Tofino woods after rain can be fruitful during autumn, just so long as you know where to look.
wild mushroom forage tofino   wild mushrooms in Tofino

Unfortunately we were not the only ones after these tasty fungi: both spots had been fully cleared out. We were a resolute lot, determined that we would not return to the lodge empty handed so, with compass in hand, we set out to find a new chanterelle-foraging ground.

I had been eyeing up a spot over the past year. While I had not tried the spot, I knew from reviewing local maps that a creek ran parallel to the forest service road, good geography for chanterelles. We all agreed that it was worth a shot. We found a pull out and started to cut through a seemingly impassable bramble of twisted roadside blackberry, salal bush and evergreen huckleberry (locally known as cynamocka berries).

I led the way. Pushing through the tangle of foliage I heard someone behind me asking if this was the passage to Narnia (you know that scene when the children push through the wardrobe of fur coats and find themselves in a land of wonder and adventure!)

Not a bad analogy: the forest opened up and perfect little chanterelles were everywhere! The spot was very productive with enough chanterelles to fill our baskets as well as a beautiful Chicken of the woods (Laetiporus sulphurous) and one perfect Admirable bolete (Boletus mirabilis).

Chicken of the Woods is a large, brightly colored fungus that grows as shelves on wounds in trees – in the Tofino-region, quite often conifers. Often found in clusters, the mushroom can also be solitary. The top surface is often bright orange lightening in color near the edges. As they age their colour dulls to yellow and then pure white. The young Chicken of the Woods has a mild flavor.

The Admirable Bolete, aka "Admiral" is much sought after for its beauty, its dynamic flavor, and its perishability- bugs often get to the Admiral before foragers do. The Admiral is often found in mature hemlock and conifer stands growing off logs. Some specimens can grow caps as large as pie plates, the most desirable, taste-wise, are much smaller.

We finished our forage by picking some perfectly ripe rosehips and cynamocka berries, leaving a few behind for the birds!

Until our next adventure,
Full baskets,
Chef Ian Riddick
Long Beach Lodge Resort

Mushroom foraging Tofino   Mushroom forage forests of Tofino   Foraging in Tofino

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